MSI GTX 650 Power Edition OC Review & Benchmarks

MSI GTX 650 Power Edition OC Review & Benchmarks

The Nvidia GTX 650 seems to be a bit slower then the 7770, and the GTX 460 is faster then the 7770, If you need the 2gb of vram go with the 650 but if you are running one monitor at 1920x1080 or lower the 460 is the way to go.
MSI has built a custom design GTX 650, which comes with an overclock out of the box and an improved thermal solution. A special feature is the ability to add an included extra fan if you think you need more cooling potential. With a price of about $135, the MSI GTX 650 Power Edition OC is $20 higher than the NVIDIA GTX 650 reference design, which is quite a large increase. We will see if it is justified.
MSI's card design is longer than the reference design. The cooler, which pretty much covers the whole card, has an extra feature - you can add a second fan if you need better cooling performance. More on that on the next page.
MSI's cooler uses a copper base and a doubled up heatpipe to provide cooling for the card. Please note the thermal pads that cool secondary components on the board.
though i don't believe what hw compare says because it shows the 6850 is better in everything than the 460 but when it comes to benchmarking its different.
I now have 2 PC's one is using a 6850, athlon II X3, 4gb ram and the other is using a GTX 650, phenom II 710, 8gb ram and the 650/phenom rig destroyed the 6850/athlon rig without much effort. In every game the 650 rig defeated the 6850 rig. Man the athlon II is a pathetic excuse for a CPU.


  • Pre OverClocked.
  • Low Noice.
  • Low Temperature.
  • Voltage control through MSI Afterburner.
  • Support for CUDA and PhysX.
  •  Memory is at factory clock i.e NOT overclocked.
  • High Price.
  • A bit disappointed when compare with same level cards.