Big and beefy are the two keywords that describe any DirectCU II product from ASUS. Today they released their GeForce GTX 680 DirectCU II TOP. An all customized PCB, extra features, the fastest pre-clock we have seen to date on a GTX 680 and that massive three slot cooler are bound to make the Kepler GPU empowered ASUS GeForce GTX 680 DirectCU II TOP very interesting.
Kepler my friends is the codename for the architecture behind the GeForce series 600 graphics cards. The GeForce GTX 680 2 GB is a fact and selling in the stores as we speak. The all new product has some interesting new features which we'll happily discuss with you.
The end result is an impressive looking beast, the customized GTX 680 has a big two fan cooler applied to it. And it's not just two fans, the cooler makes the graphics card three slots wide -- eating away a good chunk of space inside your chassis.
The GTX 680 DCUII OC is one of ASUS’ top of the line offering for the GTX 680. It is not the cream of the crop, but it is certainly not the lowest GTX 680 from the guys at ASUS either. It somewhat sits between the reference GTX 680, and the DCUII TOP, hence the OC in its model name. This GTX 680, is actually a non reference edition of the 680, and that said, the card boasts all the desirable features we all love from ASUS: The card has a souped up clock speeds over the reference 680, and has most of the overclocking shizniz ASUS has to offer, along with a more durable power delivery components. To top things off, it has a beefy Direct CUII cooler, to tame its own heat. This, as a premium card, looks very, very promising considering its features, and price.
The benefits of that big cooler are plentiful though, this is a product that you will not hear whilst retaining really good temperatures, yeah it works pretty darn well in both performance and silence really.
The card's base clock frequency is set higher at default for you, at 1137 MHz with a dynamic turbo that clocks up-to 1267 MHz. ASUS actually advertises 1201 Mhz on the packaging, but yeah 1267 MHz it is. The memory runs stock at 6000 MHz though.
At this angle we can clearly see one of the smoked fans of the ASUS GTX 680. I prefer these “smoked” fans over the usual Black versions since you can pretty much see what’s behind the blades, thus making them much easier to clean. Underneath the fans are a nice array of heat fins, that are accompanied by heat-pipes that is directly on contact with the GPU.
New Games+ some application would be very fast responsive with PhysX.

- Good material used.
- Excellent Overclock ability.
- Matte Black PCB FTW.
- Quality product.

- Covers 3 slots...Two much !
- GPU Compute performance is not good as expected.