XFX HD 7850 Black Edition Review + BenchMarks

AMD graphics card are really powerful and most enthusiasts are waiting for their 7000 series dual GPU card, XFX turn the AMD cards into a good design, performer and cool with their custom cooling pipes and other stuff. Today we review the XFX AMD HD 7850 Black Edition Graphics card.The HD 7850 is built on a 28nm process, with 2.8 billion transistors packing 1,024 stream processors and two geometry engines. The reference board requires only one 6-pin power connector, but the XFX board adds a second—that 13 percent overclock doesn’t come free.We compared the Radeon HD 7850 Black Edition’s performance with three other factory-overclocked boards: the MSI Radeon HD 6950, EVGA’s GTX 560 Ti 448, and the Asus GTX 560 Ti DirectCU II. The EVGA GTX 560 Ti 448 SC card wins most of the benchmarks—but it’s $20 more than the 7850 Black Edition, bumping up close to the $300 mark and requiring an 8-pin and 6-pin power plug. The XFX Radeon HD 7850 pretty much wipes the floor with the Asus GTX 560 Ti and the older, more expensive HD 6950. Also, the XFX board is more power efficient, though a tad noisier, than the other boards—but that noise level isn’t particularly noticeable in a closed PC chassis.If XFX could have shaved another $20 off the price of this card, it would have a serious winner on its hands. As it stands, the 7850 Black Edition is a very good card, offering good performance, efficiency, and five display outputs—single- and dual-link DVI, HDMI, and two DisplayPorts.The good news is that XFX has also taken the time to increase the speed of the 2GB of GDDR5 memory. We can see that comes in at 1250MHz or 5000MHz QDR which is slightly up on the stock 4800MHz QDR clock.Overall this is a nice boost in clock speeds and should yield some strong performance over a reference clocked version.The XFX HD7850 Black Edition is the fastest HD7850 on the market today, clocked at an incredible 975mhz on the core, and 1250mhz on the memory, this translates into noticeable real world performance improvements, increasing the frame rate by a clear margin with the games we tested today.The card is exceptionally quiet, almost on the same level as the Sapphire card, thanks to the capable dual fan solution. XFX have volted this card a little to ensure stable performance at these increased clock speeds, this means that the temperatures are a little higher than the Sapphire card, although the performance improvements out of the box are easy to see. XFX have opted for the lowest possible noise, while maintaining excellent thermal results.Overclocking the HD7850 has proven fruitful so far and we are limited only by the Catalyst Control Center, which has a 1050mhz core restriction at time of press. The XFX card can be cranked to the limits in Catalyst Control Center with complete stability, ensuring even more performance gains with minimal effort. We didn’t even need to adjust the fan settings as the reference profile maintained low noise emissions.

So let run some BenchMarks tests....

  • Nice Design.
  • Nice Color as always.
  • Overclocked out of the box.
  • Good Performance.
  • Run a bit hot.
  • High Power Consumption.